Monday, March 21, 2011


So I ordered my new phone on Saturday afternoon and it arrived this morning.. Nokia E5 :)

Also, I got 80% in my latest Media Journalism assignment, so I'm pretty pleased with that.

In other news, this is pretty much my last week of school as exams start next week until the end of term.. I only have four exams - I don't have a Modern History half-yearly - and I'm so glad about that because I would probably be stressing a fair bit. I'm so keen for the holidays!

Yeah so that's what been happening lately in the boring life of me.



  1. Ooh! That's a cool phone, I desperately need a new one! D: Congratualtions on your makr, that's cool! Good luck with your exams! x

  2. Nice phone, it sort of looks like the new blackberry. Good luck with exams!
